

Work remotely and stay close
A multi-purpose corporate video conferencing solution with all collaboration tools

Start now - It's Free !!!

Organize your meetings in a few clicks.

It's simple and easy

Setting up a meeting has never been eaier. Using our software, it had to be better than child's play. With just one click you can participate and invite your employees.


Take advantage of video telephony

Work remotely as in the same place

Discuss in a conference where each participant both speaks and sees all the other participants at the same time. Reduce the margins of error due to misunderstandings

Compatible with all your equipment, conference with several people.

Participate as many as you want.

Beyond the fact that you participate in the number you want, use the internet-connected device that suits you best. You can choose between computer, tablet and smartphone.


Chat and share your document

Seamless collaboration

The software enables you to take advantage of audio/video conference and enjoy a powerful and seamless collaboration through chats (direct or group) and a fluent sharing of your various corporate documents.

How it Work ?

Step 1

Create an account on our website here

Step 2