With the goal of reducing the IT expenses of businesses around the world - without compromising the innovation and quality of these systems – at ACESY, we provide IT solutions that address common business challenges.
Whether you want to digitise your accounting and finance functions, improve the productivity and creativity of your teams or automate certain aspects of your recruitment process, we do all of this and more through free IT applications - yes, they’re completely free unless you require any kind of value-added service.
We also provide round-the-clock IT and sales support, as well as customisable cloud environments for your business needs. Our cloud computing services, which include hosting public, private or hybrid cloud environments, fulfil your data storage and computing requirements, efficiently and affordably.
It doesn’t get any better than that!
Our staff serve from three international offices: Amsterdam, London, and Yaoundé, ensuring that your needs are met almost immediately. Ultimately, our goal is to understand your needs, intuitively, and provide you with exactly what you need.
We aim to create value for our customers, our staff, the global economy and the community while saving our planet and accelerating innovation. On one hand, this includes offering services and products to solve business problems with a delighted experience and at profit to our stakeholders. On the other hand, building a world-class service organization and a global brand to creates 5000 sustainable jobs in emerging countries and the rest of the world by 2022.
Our strategic vision is to create a world where the use of technology improves all aspects of business and entrepreneurial activity, adding value to the processes themselves and the final product or service being offered.
We seek to enhance the impact of human creativity and effort, leading to a world where we don’t just think outside the box to solve the most pressing challenges, but destroy the box completely and reimagine the way we do business.
At ACESY, our business is centered on values of trust, innovation, and efficiency. Using these as the base of everything we do, we encourage our staff to provide customer-focused support backed by humility, creativity, honesty, and commitment.
71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ, The United Kingdom
+44 208 191 7522Johan Huizingalaan 763A, 1066 VH Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+31 62 435 64833rd floor, Palais des verres, Opposite GP Melen, Yaounde Cameroon
+237 243 62 96 44We've provided custom server solutions to countless clients, helping them operate with the utmost
efficiency, functionality, and security.
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