
Free and powerful software for every business requirement

We customise our free applications according to your needs - pay only for our value-added services

Acesy gives you Business Solution.

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Acesy brings together everything you need!

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Value Added Service


Professional Services, IT support and Expert assistance

Experienced, knowledgeable and talented ACESY’s experts provide world-class technical support to manage your problems and customize your solutions.


Security, data protection and SSO

Our highly sophisticated and secure servers offer you maximum security and thanks to our encrypted communication system, your users are protected. In addition, frequent backups are made so that your data is well protected and always available.


Advanced Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Save more financial resources with us by just paying for  only  what you use. Whether it's computing power, network resources or storage, you don't pay any extra amount, you only pay for what you use.


Seamless migration

Integrate very easily and smoothly our platform containing all possible and necessary functions to satisfy your business. Our highly experienced team will help you in this process without any negative impact on your system.


Integration services

You have the unique opportunity to build up a powerful software  application suite  according to your needs by integrating easily and effectively a set of utilities, applications, components and services.


Others services

According to your business and personal needs we bring you all available quality IT solutions adapted to your needs and at a lower cost. You can trust us...

Acesy's Value Added Services

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Acesy worked with Such populer industries

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